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Sunday 15 September 2024

Sego Oyek Recipe from Kebumen, Central Java

Sego Oyek is a traditional dish from Kebumen, Central Java, made from *oyek*, a form of cassava rice. It was once a common staple food during difficult times, particularly when rice was scarce. The unique flavor of *oyek* comes from fermented cassava, giving the dish a subtle sour taste. Paired with side dishes like fried tempeh, tofu, and sambal, Sego Oyek offers a deliciously humble culinary experience.

Here’s a detailed recipe to prepare Sego Oyek for about 4 servings.


**For Oyek:**

- 500 grams of cassava

- 1 liter of water

- 1/2 tsp salt

For Side Dishes (Optional):

- Fried tempeh or tofu

- Stir-fried vegetables (*oseng-oseng* spinach, cassava leaves, or mustard greens)

- Sambal (spicy chili paste)

- Fried peanuts


A. Preparing Oyek (Cassava Rice)

1. **Peel and Clean the Cassava:**

   - Begin by peeling the cassava. Ensure all the skin is removed, as the outer layer can be bitter. Once peeled, wash the cassava thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or debris.

2. **Grate the Cassava:**

   - After washing, grate the cassava using a fine grater. This will turn the cassava into a soft pulp-like consistency. Alternatively, you can chop the cassava into smaller pieces and use a food processor to achieve the same result.

3. **Fermenting the Cassava:**

   - Place the grated cassava into a clean container. Cover it loosely with a cloth or plastic wrap and leave it to ferment for about 2-3 days at room temperature. The fermentation process gives *oyek* its characteristic slightly sour flavor. The longer the fermentation, the more pronounced the sourness will be.

4. **Draining and Drying the Cassava:**

   - After fermentation, drain any excess liquid that might have accumulated. Then, spread the grated cassava on a clean surface or tray to dry under the sun. Depending on the weather, this can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day. You want the cassava to dry out but still retain some moisture for cooking.

5. **Cooking the Oyek:**

   - Once the cassava has dried, it's ready to be steamed. Prepare a steamer and place the dried cassava inside. Steam for about 20-30 minutes or until it becomes tender but not mushy. After steaming, sprinkle some salt over the oyek and mix well.

6. **Final Touch:**

   - Remove the steamed oyek from the heat and let it cool slightly. It can now be served as a substitute for rice.

B. Preparing the Side Dishes

- Fried Tempeh/Tofu:

   - Cut tempeh or tofu into slices and marinate with salt and garlic. Fry them in hot oil until golden brown.


- Stir-Fried Vegetables:

   - For a traditional touch, you can sauté cassava leaves or spinach with garlic and chilies. Heat oil in a pan, add chopped garlic, chilies, and a little salt, and stir-fry the vegetables until cooked but still crisp.

- Sambal:

   - To make sambal, grind fresh red chilies, garlic, and a little salt. You can add fried shallots or tomatoes for a different flavor. Serve the sambal alongside the oyek and side dishes.

C. Serving

To serve Sego Oyek, plate a generous portion of the steamed cassava rice (*oyek*) and accompany it with fried tempeh or tofu, stir-fried vegetables, and sambal. Optionally, sprinkle fried peanuts on top for added texture and flavor. The combination of the slightly sour cassava rice, savory side dishes, and spicy sambal makes for a comforting and satisfying meal.


- Adjusting Sourness: If you prefer a milder taste, you can reduce the fermentation time to just 1-2 days. For those who enjoy a stronger sour flavor, allow the cassava to ferment longer.

- Serving Variations: You can also serve sego oyek with chicken or fish dishes for a more protein-rich meal.

- Storage: Oyek can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. Simply reheat by steaming before serving again.


Sego Oyek is more than just a traditional dish; it carries a historical significance and reflects the resourcefulness of the Javanese people. Simple yet flavorful, this dish highlights how local ingredients like cassava can be transformed into a delightful meal. Whether you're a fan of traditional Indonesian cuisine or looking to try something new, Sego Oyek offers a taste of history on your plate. Enjoy this humble yet delicious meal with your favorite side dishes for an authentic Kebumen experience!

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